Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm sure by now most heard that I spent a few days as a guest of St. Mungo's. If that wasn't horrific...
Even magic remedies take time, my dear, they said.

I promise, I did not mame, injure, or disfigure anyone.

Ok probably only because my husband had my wand. He might be a muggle but he knows...

Now i'm home, hanging out on the couch. Very little moving about activity and keep the leg elevated. I need to get my crocheting and knitting together so I'll work on those projects that need working on.

My cat is thrilled and she's hanging out with me on the couch, staring down the chocolate lab.

and I think my owl Firth has strayed. *sigh* since his services weren't needed I think he might have found some ladies to woo. I apologize if your owl is one such lady...